From the Christian Democrats in Svalöv regarding
the referendum on December 12
The Christian Democrats in Svalöv recommend everyone to vote blank in the referendum. Do this as a protest against the opposition using this democracy tool to delay and complicate the municipal’s work for a positive development of Svalöv’s municipality, so that the residents get the greatest possible return for their tax money.
The opposition causes the municipality a cost for the referendum of about one million SEK completely unnecessarily. The municipal companies are today governed by the municipal council through boards elected by the council. This will continue to be the case after the formation of the municipal companies.
By forming a company group, it becomes easier and more profitable to run the municipality’s operations with the goal of getting better finances and more money for, among other things, school, care and nursing!
We believe that the formation of a company group creates great added value for the municipality’s residents and give the advice to vote BLANK!